Dune: Part Two
2024 | Rating: 9/10Directed by: Denis Villeneuve
Starring: Timothee Chalamet, Zendaya, Rebecca Furguson
Makes up for any lack of substance in the first part, but trades a bit of style for it
I have been excited for this movie since the credits rolled on the first one, which is pretty much always a bad thing. Nothing can really live up to that level of hype, but Dune: Part Two tries its damnedest.
I don't necessarily agree with the people who complain that nothing really happened in the first part (though I can see where they are coming from) but if I did, this one more than makes up for it. It was nearly three hours long, but event hat felt too short for what it was trying to do. I almost wonder if the first part should have also had the first quarter or so of this one.
It's action packed in a way the first one isn't, and it's fun/funny in a way the first one wasn't. The only knock against it when comparing is the vibes. The first part just had a better vibe to it. I felt like I was able to get sucked into the world more.
The performances from Chalamet, Zendaya, and Bardim were great. Chalamet especially came into this character in a way that I wan't sure he could. Bardim's 'Lisan al gaib' hype man routine was hilarious and great. I think the biggest surprise to me was Butler's Feyd-Rautha. He truly felt like a psychopath on screen, and he used his voice to sound menacing, which can easily come out as kind of corny. Every performance was good, I feel, except one. I don't know why they cast Cristopher Walken as the emperor. That just feels like a weird decision.
I can see myself checking this out again before it leaves theaters, and is an early contender for my movie of the year already.