Monkey Man
2024 | Rating: 7/10Directed by: Dev Patel
Starring: Dev Patel
A frenetic and chaotic action movie that drags in spots. One hell of a directorial debut for Dev Patel
Overall I think Monkey Man was a fun action movie, with some great set pieces and some great ideas. When Dev is really going, it gets wild. The hits are extremely hard, and the choreography is done in such a way to really sell an improvisational nature to the fight scenes.
I am in no way a shaky-cam enjoyer, but I do think it was used to pretty good effect here. I think it helped highlight the rage and aggression that was being felt by Patel's character. I can understand complaints about it though, as it did muddy the visuals a bit.
This movie would sit higher in my thoughts if more of it was action focused, but I think they spent a bit too much on the slower aspects of it. Of course you need to build a backstory to get people to care, but it just felt like they lingered way too much in places.